Re: The Plural of RPM
Websters dictionary defines "RPM" as revolutions per minute, not rotations^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
or revolutions's, so your engineer is wrong, unless of course he is
developing an entirely new language, and you would be wrong if you use
"rotations" to define the acronym; although, this acronym is so common, it
probably would not need defining.
I'm having a back-and-forth with an engineer about how to write more than
one RPM. She wants to write, "RPM's." I freaked and said, "No, that would
be saying, it's the Rotation Per Minute's problem."
I know, it doesn't make sense.
I want to simply write RPM, meaning Rotations Per Minute.
Am I correct or is there another way?
I also hate to apply the possessive to an inanimate object or a company
for example, "IBM's net worth." Is there a rule about that, or is that
just me?
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- Re: The Plural of RPM, al . geist
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Re: The Plural of RPM: From: al . geist
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