Re: Multiple Index Entries: Your Input, Please...
In many cases, it's possible to have two (or more) index entries that--
refer you to the same page. Example:
* Index Entry No. 1: Users, adding to system . . . p. 264
* Index Entry No. 2: Adding users to system . . . p. 264
Here are my questions:
Question No. 1: * Is one of the above formats considered preferable to the other? * I prefer Index Entry No. 1 because it starts with the broad category
you are working with (users) and then lists the specific action you are
performing with that category (adding to system).
Question No. 2: * In a large index (say, dozens of pages), I would probably include both
entries in my index. But what if the index is quite brief (say, five to
10 pages)? Would you still include both entries? * My view is that when the index is brief, it's easier for the user to
quickly scan the entire contents. Thus, both entries may not be as
Beth Agnew
Professor, Technical Communication
Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology
Toronto, ON 416.491.5050 x3133
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