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Ideas on Development of Disaster Recovery Procedures
Subject:Ideas on Development of Disaster Recovery Procedures From:"Lyse Tremblay" <tremblay -dot- lyse -at- tremblayprudly -dot- com> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Fri, 16 Jun 2006 07:22:12 -0400 (EDT)
Hi all,
I am fairly new as a technical writer. I am responsible for coordinating
the development and creation of disaster recovery procedures for various
technological areas for the business continuity project for which I am the
Project Coordinator.
Basically, I see these as being more actionable steps/procedures that can
sometimes performed in parallel but most often performed sequentially by
the various cross-functional responsible SME in each functional area.
For example: database server fails and not only does the server needs to
be recovered but the databases and data that resided on that server would
also need to be recovered and synchronized. I see that there would be a
series of steps performed by each SME that would need to happen in a
particular sequence. (In a full resilient environment the procedures
would include procedural steps to failover to another server until the one
that failed can be recovered. That is the environment we are setting up
and writing procedures for.) My goal is to ensure standardized formatting
and content of these procedures. I am researching through this group what
would be the best way to write and present these in a standardized way?
Any thoughts you may have would be greatly appreciated.
PS. I only have Word, at this time, to work with. Looking at
with DITA. I have a little experience with XML.
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