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Subject:Re: PDF bookmarks for LOTs, LOFs From:Vanessa Vandervalk <vanessa -dot- vandervalk -at- mitratech -dot- com> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Fri, 30 Jun 2006 10:07:39 -0700
Fred, you said:
<<Look in the PDF Setup dialog for the LOT file, not just the book-
level PDF setup. It's a little-known feature of FrameMaker that
you can designate additional paragraph tags to be picked up as
PDF bookmarks on a file-by-file basis using the file-level PDF
Setup. Open the LOT file, then choose Format > Document >
PDF Setup. I'll be that you find the TableCaptionLOT paragraph
tag in the Include list.>>
You were absolutely right. This "feature" was causing the problem. We could never see these tags at the book level. Arrgh!
Thanks so much for pointing me to those add-ons. Several of them look really nice to have, not to mention the one you pointed out.
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