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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Listowner <lisa -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
archive -at- infoinfocus -dot- com
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 02:00:02 -0600 (MDT)
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TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
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costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* ANNOUNCE: Book to Web: Adobe FrameMaker 2006 Conference (NEW)
* ANNOUNCE: STC Region 2 Conference in London UK (NEW)
* SALE: Legacy Acrobat and FrameMaker Software For Sale
* ANNOUNCE: Negotiation Workshop at LavaCon
* ANNOUNCE: Looking for FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference?
* ANNOUNCE: 4.ST Supports TECHWR-L as a New Gold Sponsor
* ANNOUNCE: Get into production with XML Content Management in
30 days...guaranteed! (Sponsored by DocZone.com)
* ANNOUNCE: Quadralay Launches WebWorks ePublisher Express
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
>From Book to Web: Adobe FrameMaker 2006 Conference Unites Users, Technologists and Publishing Luminaries
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NORTH CAROLINA, September 6, 2006 â?? Bright Path Solutions today announced that the annual Adobe® FrameMaker® Chautauqua will be held at the Hilton Austin Texas Airport hotel from November 8-10, 2006. The educational summit gathers FrameMaker creators together with technical users, top publishing industry professionals and innovative FrameMaker tools and training vendors.
Adobe FrameMaker combines the simplicity of word process authoring with the power of advanced layout capabilities and XML publishing, making it easier to re-purpose content and publish to multiple channels, including print, PDF, HTML, and XML. The software includes long-document support and book management features, templates and rich formatting options, support for high-quality printing, integration of scalable vector graphics and Quadralay WebWorks® Publisher 8.0 software to automatically create HTML versions of documents and books.
Highlighting this year's program are speakers Don Day, Lead DITA Architect for IBM and Chair of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee and RJ Jacquez, Senior Technical Evangelist of Adobe. Keynote speakers also include Don Bridges, commercial tech docs manager at Data Conversion Laboratory and Bob Doyle, Technology Advisor for CM Professionals.
In addition, the conference will feature presentations from Leigh White of Misys Healthcare Systems, certified Adobe expert, technical trainer, and author Bernard Aschwanden and W. Eliot Kimber, (Dr. Macro) from Innodata Isogen, 25-year veteran of mark-up based writing and publishing, member of the XSL Formatting Objects subgroup of the XSL Working Group (W3C) and member of the DITA Technical Committee for OASIS Open.
This conference will provide attendees access to Adobe management and publishing technical strategists, education and training on topics including optimizing for localization, creating context-sensitive help, translating FrameMaker documents, accessing free FrameMaker resources and more.
"Leading companies in the document publishing business such as Misys Healthcare, Cisco Systems, The Mayo Clinic and IBM are just a few of the firms represented at the Chautauqua," said Kay Ethier, founder of Bright Path Solutions. "Find out how to author and publish books and large technical documents online. Come learn from pros, talk to technologists who shape the future of publishing software and connect with peers to learn new techniques and uses of FrameMaker."
The conference host, Bright Path Solutions, develops structured XML content solutions and provides consulting and training services to organizations of all sizes.
Pricing for the three-day event starts at $800 U.S. Visit conf.travelthepath.com for additional details or contact Bright Path Solutions at 1.919.244.8559 or info -at- travelthepath -dot- com -dot-
09/06/06 - 09/15/06
ANNOUNCE: STC Region 2 Conference in London UK
The STC Region 2 Conference takes place in London on
13th-14th October 2006. Our theme is
"Making Cents of Making Sense: Technical Communications and Business"
This is a shaping up to be a truly international event, with
speakers from the USA, Canada, the UK and France, and registered
delegates from Australia, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Israel,
Slovenia, Norway, the USA, and the UK.
We have been able to keep the price for this event incredibly
low because of generous support from major commercial
sponsors taking part in our vendor exhibition, including
Adobe, Madcap Software, and AuthorIT.
For full details and to register see the conference web site at
Book before 15th September to benefit from "early-bird"
discount prices.
09/05/06 - 09/30/06
SALE: Legacy Acrobat and FrameMaker Software For Sale
I am cleaning out some space to make room for a home gym.
I have a number of shrink wrapped, retail legacy versions
of Acrobat and FrameMaker that need new homes.
Contact Carl Young at subcriptions -at- pdftrain -dot- com for questions
or to buy. Arizona residents will pay sales tax. Sorry,
no sales outside of U.S. and Canada.
Everyone pays UPS ground freight plus $10 handling.
Major credit cards and PayPal accepted.
All software is U.S. English, and are full licenses
unless noted.
â?¢ Acrobat 4 Windows $50 (two available)
â?¢ Acrobat 5 Mac $79
â?¢ Acrobat 5 Win upgrade $50
â?¢ Acrobat 6 Pro Mac $225
â?¢ FrameMaker 5.5.6 Win/Mac on sale at Ebay.
Search for item 190023446933.
â?¢ FrameMaker 6 UNIX $499
â?¢ FrameMaker 6 Mac $399
â?¢ FrameMaker+SGML 6 Win $549
08/25/06 - 08/31/06
ANNOUNCE: Negotiation Workshop at LavaCon
Steven Roosa (a professional buyer for Verizon Wireless) and Peggy Gerace-Roosa (a process manager at Earthlink) will be presenting their incredible negotiation workshop again this year.
Whether you're asking for a raise, trying to secure additional resources, or simple want to take some comp time, you use negotiation skills all the time.
See the Programs page at www.lavacon.org for a detailed description and for registration information.
Want to increase your income or sphere of influence?
Don't miss this workshop!
LavaCon: The Conference for Advanced Tech Comm Professionals
October 1 - 4, 2006 Kauai, Hawaii
888-378-2333 www.lavacon.org
07/27/06 - 08/24/06~1163
ANNOUNCE: Looking for FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference?
FrameMaker 7: The Complete Reference is now back in print as Publishing Fundamentals: FrameMaker 7. Don\'t pay $100-200 for used copies of The Complete Reference when you can get a new copy of Publishing Fundamentals for $59.99.
Publishing Fundamentals is available through Scriptorium Publishing:
You get free standard shipping in the United States when you place your order through our online store:
The pagination of the two books is nearly identical, so you can easily find the same information in either book.
Contact books -at- scriptorium -dot- com for more information.
08/01/06 - 08/07/06~1164
ANNOUNCE: 4.ST Supports TECHWR-L as a New Gold Sponsor
Join us in thanking 4.ST (http://www.4st.com) for becoming a TECHWR-L Gold Annual Sponsor! As a sponsor, 4.ST provides support for the community, the TECHWR-L mailing list, and the TECHWR-L Web site.
Founded in 1987, 4.ST has been an important provider of highly respected products to implement multi-platform On-line Help, On-line Documentation, and Content Management resulting in improved quality online user assistance and in enhanced productivity of the end user and programming professional. The company is focused on improving the quality and enhancing the functionality of its products, with a strong reliance on customer input and feedback.
HelpServer is a flexible web based On-line Help and Content Management
System driven by a server. HelpServer gives the technical writer all the flexibility he/she needs and is able to reuse whatever content is already available. The server is written in Java. There is support for .NET and all other types of applications including web-based applications. You can use the database of your choice. The data is stored in XML format. The product creates a number of output formats like PDF, HTML, JavaHelp, and others, and allows for direct database access as well. Major enhancements are available now.
Please visit: http://www.4st.com/pro_hlpser_news.html
Thanks to 4.ST for being a TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
Annual sponsors provide key support for the variety of TECHWR-L services and features. For more information about sponsorships, please visit the Sponsorships page at http://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/abouttechwhirl/sponsorships.html.
07/31/06 - 08/06/06
ANNOUNCE: Get into production with XML Content Management in
30 days...guaranteed! (Sponsored by DocZone.com)
DocZone.com is revolutionizing the world of XML content management by offering the industry's first guaranteed rapid deployment methodology. Up and running with a production XML/DITA environment in 30 days, including authoring, workflow, content management, translation memory, and single source publishing. We'll even convert legacy content into XML and deliver you a turn-key environment, populated with your content and ready to use in production.
Plus, you have the option to use the system for free for 30 days, with no long-term obligation.
How do we do it? By offering the DocZone platform as a hosted, "on demand" application, we can quickly configure and deploy the environment to you...allowing you to more quickly realize the benefits of migrating your production environment to XML and DITA.
To download a free video demo of DocZone, visit our website at:
While visiting our website, you can also download a white paper from leading research firm InfoTrends, which discusses the four major hurdles to XML content management implementations and spotlights the DocZone platform.
DocZone.com (tm)
The All-Inclusive XML Content Management System
07/17/06 - 08/13/06~1148
ANNOUNCE: Quadralay Launches WebWorks ePublisher Express
Want to produce your online documentation faster? Cheaper? Wish the
process was easier? Learn how the WebWorks ePublishing Solution
can make your life a little easier at www.webworks.com/techwr-l.
Quadralay Corporation, the foremost provider of comprehensive online publishing and Help system delivery solutions in the world, today announced the availability of WebWorks� ePublisher Express, the software solution enabling online publishers to author documents in any authoring environment while eliminating time consuming conformance and consistency barriers. The software is the first commercially available product on the market allowing writers to focus on writing content and not manipulating the software needed to publish it.
ePublisher Express, as part of WebWorks ePublishing Solution, is the tool your writers will use to proof and deliver online content faster and with company-wide uniformity. ePublisher Express lets writers focus on the writing, not on consistency or conformance issues, while providing robust proofing tools such as Conformance Reports and temporary projects.
Deliver customized online documentation in as many formats and
languages as your needs dictate with XML-based processing and the powerful WebWorks Stationery feature. In addition, a gentle learning curve and out of the box support for every common output format ensures ePublisher Express will integrate with your business practices from day one. Writers can immediately focus on the task at hand instead of spending hours learning a new software package. WebWorks ePublisher Express can be completely implemented into a customers� current working environment without disruption to the workflow.
ePublisher Express is a critical element of WebWorks ePublishing Solution, which creates real, workable solutions to meet the publishing and content management needs of content delivery groups worldwide. The WebWorks ePublishing Solution spells the end of hours wasted trying to resolve style, format, or accessibility issues. Deliver vital information to your customers with confidence and consistency. Regardless of the difficulties you face, WebWorks can tailor a cost-effective solution to optimize your ePublishing workflow.
Visit www.webworks.com/go/techwr-l to learn more about the new WebWorks ePublishing Solution. Your Problems. Solved.
07/10/06 - 08/06/06~4of12
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
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These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
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For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
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