Re: FrameMaker 7.2 Books
Would anyone have any info or recommendations on a book I might buy in
advance of receiving my software? I've found a bunch of FrameMaker 7.0
stuff, but nothing on 7.2... or is is similar enough that I can just get
away with the 7.0 books?
"Publishing Fundamentals: FrameMaker 7," by Sarah O'Keefe and Sheila
Loring. Scriptorium Press, 2006. ISBN 0-9704733-3-8.
This book had been previously published as "FrameMaker 7: The Complete
Reference." It has been out of print for a while, and was commanding
ridiculously high prices in the used book market.
I just got my new copy, and it's terrific.
Order from your favorite online bookseller or directly from
- bc
Barry Campbell <barry -at- campbell-online -dot- com>
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