Re: tabs/indents in WebHelp

Subject: Re: tabs/indents in WebHelp
From: John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 11:34:39 -0400

I had problems with it myself ...

Resolved it by putting <blockquote> tags around the <ol> or <ul> tag sets in code view ... Seemed to mildly alleviate the problem. The I added some styles and it made it at least acceptable.

Yet another reason why I HATE programs that assume they know better about what I want to do than I do myself ...

My 2ยข,

John Garison

here it goes again this time in (Plain Text format)...
Can anyone tell me why the tabs and indents that appear in the RoboHelp
WYSIWYG Editor are eliminated when I generate the WebHelp output. I am
pretty new to RoboHelp and need to get a project out today, but my
bulleted and numbered lists are looking pretty shabby with improper


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