Re: Interviewing Strategies
Relax and be honest.
After the interview, send a thank you note. I got my first job partly
because I sent a thank you note. My then-boss still remembers that note!
(And we're talking 20+ plus years later.)
Good one......I forgot all about the Thank You note. You would be surprised how many people ignore them. Regardless of whether I connect with the interviewer, or whether it is for a permanent or contract position, I ALWAYS send a personal thank you note (in addition to a thank you e-mail). I include my business card and I've gotten a lot of referrals over the years because of them.
Al Geist
Technical Writing, Online Help, Marketing Collateral, Web Design, Award Winning Videos, Professional Photography
Voice/Msg: 802-658-3140
Cell: 802-578-3964
E-mail: al -dot- geist -at- geistassociates -dot- com <mailto:al -dot- geist -at- geistassociates -dot- com>
URL: <> (online portfolio/resume)
See also:
URL: <> (fine art prints for home for office, and note cards for all occasions)
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