TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements

Subject: TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
From: TECHWR-L Listowner <admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
To: archive -at- infoinfocus -dot- com
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 02:05:03 -0700 (MST)

Posted on
Saturday, February 3, 2007

TECHWR-L Premium Ads
You received this message because you're a subscriber to TECHWR-L.
This ad posting is sent daily directly to all list members to help
underwrite the costs of the list (just as ads in a newspaper,
magazine, or journal underwrite the costs of those publications).

In this posting, look for the following ...

New! Documentation and Training Conference Comes To Vancouve

and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.


New! Documentation and Training Conference Comes To
Vancouver April 18-21, 2007

The 8th Annual Documentation and Training Conference (April
18-21, 2007) will be held for the first time on the west
coast in beautiful downtown Vancouver, BC. This year, we
focus on the increasing importance of the user experience in
our work as technical communication and training
professionals. Topics to be covered include: Blogs and
blogging, wikis, user-generated content, multimedia,
experience design, interaction design, podcasting, YouTube,
AJAX, RSS, the Semantic Web, and XML syndication, DITA,
S1000D, controlled vocabularies, structured authoring,
folksonomies, taxonomies, custom-centric content management,
and more!

The workshops, presentations, and roundtable discussions we
have lined up for you are lead by the best and brightest
practitioners in our industry. Each of the 40+ presenters
has committed to providing you with a top-notch educational
experience loaded with practical information that you can
use when you return to work. Our keynote speaker, angel
investor and structured content guru Salim Ismail, will
deliver an exciting and thought-provoking message about the
future of the XML publish/subscribe model of content
delivery and its impact on the way we work today and in the
near future.

And, if you're interested in tools and technologies, you'll
want to stop by our Technology Showcase -- sponsored by
Adobe Systems and Astoria Software -- a one-stop shop for
anyone looking for new software tools or specialized

Register for Documentation and Training Vancouver by March
17 and you'll receive: * a FREE iPod Shuffle * a FREE tour
of Vancouver * a FREE first-year membership to CM

Register today:

Questions? Contact Eileen Savory at info -at- doctrain -dot- com -dot-

About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5100 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.

In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other

The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:

The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal

The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, can further help get your
message out to interested people:

These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.

For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact us
(admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at

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