Re: Giving up on XML

Subject: Re: Giving up on XML
From: "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>
To: "techwhirlers" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:34:36 -0700

I would agree with this. Much of the difficulty people have trying
to use XML is that either they or someone directing their efforts
is trying to "convert our documents to XML," but their docments
are perfectly well-designed Word or Frame projects that have no
real need to be structured documentation and will derive no real
benefit from being "converted" to a structured format. Expending
the effort or expense to build or buy all the necessary infrastructure
for XML when the end result is exactly the same PDF that was
previously being produced in Word or Frame always looks like
the boondoggle that it is.

Gene Kim-Eng

----- Original Message -----
From: <quills -at- airmail -dot- net>

> The difficult part of XML documents is in designing the DTD or
> Schema. Once that work is done, using it is much easier. Just as many
> people do a lousy job of designing a style for FM documents, you can
> do a lousy job of designing a DTD. In both instances an understanding
> of structuring is necessary.
> Any XML document that does not have structure has missed the point of
> using XML.


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Rant: Giving up on XML: From: siliconwriter
Re: Giving up on XML: From: Gene Kim-Eng
Re: Giving up on XML: From: quills
Re: Giving up on XML: From: Gene Kim-Eng
Re: Giving up on XML: From: quills

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