Re: cross-cultural study on typefaces/fonts

Subject: Re: cross-cultural study on typefaces/fonts
From: John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com>
To: Melissa Nelson <melmis36 -at- hotmail -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 13:05:08 -0500

Verdana was designed by Matthew Carter who also designed an earlier set
of fonts called Interchange for Ziff-Davis. I worked on Ziff's
Interchange Online Network and our font was the best at the time but
Verdana has eclipsed it. I still have the TTF for Interchange file
somewhere. For more information on Verdana, see

To make SURE we are on topic: Verdana and Interchange were specifically
designed to be legible on screen at normal (10 point or so) type sizes.
They are much more easy to read than typefaces designed solely for
printing on paper.

My 2ยข,

John G

Melissa Nelson wrote:
> I do not know of a study on it, but I had a boss that authored textbooks in the History and Philosophy of Science. He would write and turn everything to the publisher in Comics San MS. When I asked him why, he said because it was such a stuffy subject and made him feel a bit like a stuffy professor, that he needed the font to lighten things up. Before that I had never really thought about fonts, and I think about them a lot more since. We use strictly Verdana here...and when I asked about that...I was told the Big Guy likes it! Works for me! Oddly enough I have changed all my fonts at home to Verdana as well.
> Hope this was not too "off-topic", I just found it interesting that someone else thinks about fonts and emotions as well!
> Melissa

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