Funky word problem

Subject: Funky word problem
From: "Van Boening, Tammy" <Tammy -dot- VanBoening -at- Fiserv -dot- com>
To: <techcomm-discuss -at- stcrmc -dot- org>, <stclwrsig-l -at- mailman -dot- stc -dot- org>, <TECHWR-L -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 09:32:31 -0600

No, I won't bash Word but ARGH!

The problem is this:

I have a Word document that I have divided into sections using the
appropriate Section Break. The section that occurs BEFORE the break is
standard portrait pages with "free text" - just plain old BodyText (the
style) used. The section that occurs AFTER the break is a landscape page
and it contains a link to an Excel document. Because this page is a
landscape page, I want to adjust the header and the footer to go across
the entire page. Naturally, right now, the header and footer are linked
to the previous and each contains a single row/three column table of the
needed width for the standard portrait page. So, I click in the section
where I want to make the change to the Header/Footer, click View >
Header/Footer and get the Header/Footer toolbar. I click on the Link to
Previous icon to break the connection between the header and footer in
the current section and in the previous section and try to adjust the
width of the table cells and the document goes bonkers! It starts
flashing - darn near like a strobe light effect, my cursor
appears/disappears, the table width adjusts to the new width, then
resets itself to the old width - looks like a pinball machine in an
arcade for all of the damned flashing/readjusting of the table width
that's going on. I am half expecting to hear sirens next.

I give - this is a pretty standard feature in Word, but the only
difference for me this time is that the section in which I am trying to
make a different header/footer has a link to an Excel spreadsheet in it
- not plain old BodyText, but why for the life of me this should make a
difference, I haven't a clue.

Any and all help is appreciated.



Tammy L. Van Boening
Senior Technical Writer
Fiserv Insurance Solutions
Property and Casualty Division
tammy -dot- vanboening -at- fiserv -dot- com
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