RE: Acrobat book or other resource recommendations

Subject: RE: Acrobat book or other resource recommendations
From: "Combs, Richard" <richard -dot- combs -at- Polycom -dot- com>
To: "Jessica Weissman" <Jessica -dot- Weissman -at- hillcrestlabs -dot- com>, <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 08:22:49 -0600

Jessica Weissman wrote:

> I'm having some trouble with converting Word documents to
> PDFs. Screen shots in particular are coming out at lower
> quality than I expect; certainly lower quality than in the
> Word document either on the screen or printed.
> Is there a good standard reference on using Acrobat or other
> converters?

Well, there's the Acrobat Help. Do you have a recent version of the full
Acrobat? Are you using the Adobe PDFMaker plug-in installed into Word?
If so, select Adobe PDF > Change Conversion Settings. In the dialog's
Settings tab, see what Conversion Settings is set to. If it's Smallest
File Size, try changing it to Standard. Or High Quality Print.

Click the Help button in the dialog to see the topic "Editing PDFMaker
conversion settings."

For more control, or to see what one of the defaults (aka "job
options"), such as Standard, involves, click Advanced Settings while
that setting is selected. In the dialog, select Images in the tree on
the left to see and modify the image conversion settings.

Click the Help button in the dialog to see the topic "Images options"
for information about the different settings. From there, follow the
link to "Compressing and downsampling images" if you need more
information about those choices. In a nutshell, for screen shots, you
can probably get noticeable improvements by changing Compression from
Automatic (JPEG) to ZIP.

If you make changes via Advanced Options, save them as a new settings
file (.joboptions). In the Help, see "Adobe PDF Settings" for lots more
info about default and custom settings files.


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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Acrobat book or other resource recommendations: From: Jessica Weissman

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