Re: This too is technical communication

Subject: Re: This too is technical communication
From: "Gene Kim-Eng" <techwr -at- genek -dot- com>
To: "Beth Agnew" <Beth -dot- Agnew -at- senecac -dot- on -dot- ca>, "'TECHWR-L'" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 09:01:39 -0700

I think I have previously said that my interpretation of technical
writing is any writing that is intended to help people to understand
and use complex subjects or technologies, which excludes (at
least for me) those forms of writing that are intended to make
things *more* complicated than they have to be.

However, this does not necessarily mean a technical writer
who is sufficiently conscience-challenged couldn't do the
work. The skills are pretty much the same.

Gene Kim-Eng

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beth Agnew" <Beth -dot- Agnew -at- senecac -dot- on -dot- ca>
To: "'TECHWR-L'" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 8:26 AM
Subject: This too is technical communication

> I've always had a very broad and generous view of what can be technical
> communication. Taking my cue from the venerable Geoff Hart, I venture to say
> that writing for government, in all its guises, is also best done by
> technical communicators.
> Any time you have to provide information that helps a user answer a
> question, solve a problem, or perform a task, I think that it technical
> communication.
> Wouldn't life be better if those putting out such information actually used
> technical communicators to produce it? This is where I think the STC needs
> to start outreach -- publicizing what we do and how we can improve all sorts
> of communication, including marketing, financial, and institutional.


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