Re: language usage preference

Subject: Re: language usage preference
From: "Caroline Tabach" <caroline -dot- tabach -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: steve -at- writersbookmall -dot- com
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 21:31:40 +0300

Thanks for all the input.
The current section describes a wide range of reports available in the system.
For many of the reports the user only has to input a time period and a
location and then click OK, while for others there are additional
paramters that have to be defined.
Running reports is actually described elsewhere in the user guide, but
the purpose of that sentence is to detail for each report the
parameters to be defined in order to run the report (if you do not
define the appropriate parameters you cannot run the report).
So maybe even shorter bullets will be enough?
Parameters to define before running the report:
*Time span
*RNC Number

What do you think

On 5/28/07, Writers Book Mall <steve -at- writersbookmall -dot- com> wrote:
> Perhaps something like this:
> To run the report:
> * Define a time period.
> * Define a location.
> * Click <whatever>.
> --- Bonnie Granat <bgranat -at- granatedit -dot- com> wrote:
> > >--
Caroline Tabach
Technical Writer
e-mail: caroline -dot- tabach -at- gmail -dot- com

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RE: language usage preference: From: Bonnie Granat
RE: language usage preference: From: Writers Book Mall

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