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Re: The coming predominance of user experience and technicalcommunications
Subject:Re: The coming predominance of user experience and technicalcommunications From:John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com> To:techwr-l <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com> Date:Wed, 25 Jul 2007 10:40:55 -0400
Plain self-interest.
If a company doesn't have a UI designer on staff, then one of the best
things they can so is to get a technical communicator involved in the
design. Why? Because the programmers are all going to approach the
problem with their primary concern being how to make it easy to code.
The writer will think about making it easy to explain. And if it's easy
to explain, it's easy to learn, and if it's easy to learn it's easy to use.
Lincoln said that war was too important to be left to the generals. I
say that UI design is too important to be left to the programmers.
My 2¢,
John Garison
Candidate for STC Region 1 Director
Vote before August 3!
Gene Kim-Eng said the following on 7/24/2007 6:59 PM:
> Why do you think that technical communicators/writers have
> any more insight into what makes a better user interface than
> the people who design them now?
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