TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
For two decades, technical communicators have turned to TechWhirl to ask and answer questions about the always-changing world of technical communications, such as tools, skills, career paths, methodologies, and emerging industries. The TechWhirl Archives and magazine, created for, by and about technical writers, offer a wealth of knowledge to everyone with an interest in any aspect of technical communications.
I publish Rough Draft, the newsletter of the STC Phoenix community. Monthly
time ranges between 40-50 hours. I comb listservs like this one for snippets
of interest, chivvy regular contributors for their columns, talk to others
about contributing, and work with a review staff of 5. RD is between 12-16
pages month. I use FrameMaker, then PDF for online publishing. You can see
the results at:
Karen L. Zorn
Zorn Technologies, Inc.
Mesa, AZ
-----Original Message-----
From: techwr-l-bounces+k -dot- zorn=zorntech -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
[mailto:techwr-l-bounces+k -dot- zorn=zorntech -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf
Of dick schellens
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 1:24 PM
To: Susan Hogarth; Techwr-l
Subject: Re: Newsletter bid question
Hi Susan,
The 30 day trial should be fully functional (unless Adobe has changed things
within the last 6 months). InDesign is wonderful... you will love it if you
have been working in Quark up to now.
How much to charge? DON'T UNDERESTIMATE! 8 to 24 pages is a very wide
range... are you going to be the "news hound"... finding all the stories and
interviewing people? ... that will take TONS of time before you even start
writing, editing, and designing.
I would do this only by the hour figuring what is reasonable in your area
and with the caveat that you want to get this job and you don't have too
much experience. In NH, I would probably charge $35/hr. You will be amazed
at how many hours it will take. Part of your job as a professional is to
prepare the customer for the size of the project (and bill) early on. I
would also try to get paid every 2 or 3 weeks.
Hope this helps,
On 7/30/07, Susan Hogarth <hogarth -at- gmail -dot- com> wrote:
> Sorry if this is a bit off-topic. I've been asked to bid on a
> freelance job editing (and some writing and/or badgering people to
> write) and layout of an organizational newsletter. It's generally a
> 8-24 page newsletter. They require it to be composed in InDesign and
> 'prefer it done on a Mac' (I have no idea why they are
> software-specific and hardware-hungup since they aren't providing the
> hardware). I'm not sure if they have an available template, thoyugh I
> have to assume they
> They won't get it done on a Mac (unless I decide it's a good enough
> excuse to buy one:) but I might-could be persuaded to buy InDesign.
> A couple of questions:
> 1) InDesign has a one-month trial. Does anyone know offhand if there
> are limitations to the trial version that will somehow muck up the
> version I send to the printer?
> B) Any advice on bidding (amount)? It will be monthly or bimonthly, 8-24
> pages.
> Generally, I've been wanting to get into newsletter freelancing, so
> this is cool (plus it's an org I am involved with), but I really am
> not 100% sure of the questions I should ask or the rate I should set.
> I'd love thoughts!
> --
> Susan Hogarth
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert to Help file formats or
> printed documentation. Features include support for Windows Vista & 2007
> Microsoft Office, team authoring, plus more.
> True single source, conditional content, PDF export, modular help.
> Help & Manual is the most powerful authoring tool for technical
> documentation. Boost your productivity!
> ---
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Create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert to Help file formats or
printed documentation. Features include support for Windows Vista & 2007
Microsoft Office, team authoring, plus more.
True single source, conditional content, PDF export, modular help.
Help & Manual is the most powerful authoring tool for technical
documentation. Boost your productivity!
You are currently subscribed to TECHWR-L as k -dot- zorn -at- zorntech -dot- com -dot-
Create HTML or Microsoft Word content and convert to Help file formats or
printed documentation. Features include support for Windows Vista & 2007
Microsoft Office, team authoring, plus more.
True single source, conditional content, PDF export, modular help.
Help & Manual is the most powerful authoring tool for technical
documentation. Boost your productivity!
You are currently subscribed to TECHWR-L as archive -at- web -dot- techwr-l -dot- com -dot-