RE: an apology (LinkedIn fiasco)

Subject: RE: an apology (LinkedIn fiasco)
From: john -at- garisons -dot- com
To: "Lauren" <lt34 -at- csus -dot- edu>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13:11:57 -0400 (EDT)

I'm not only a LinkedIn member, I'm a P-FCOBS (Pre-Fiasco Contact of Bill

I'm also a LinkedIn proponent. When I was primarily contracting, I got one
gig totally and completely through LI. The hiring manager searched for a
Technical Writer and my name came up. I don't know exactly why he
contacted me, but he did. It could be because I have a lot of experience
with new products, or that I have a lot of recommendations (one of the
best things on LI IMHO) or both. Anyway, it was a great gig and 100% due
to LinkedIn. Of course, when I heard from him I searched in LI for his
company and discovered I did know a couple of people, including the HR
director ....

I think it's an excellent tool for finding contacts in side a company.

My 2ยข,

John G

> Lauren opined:
> Here's the TechWr question... Does anyone have any opinions about
> LinkedIn's value as a networking tool for business?


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