RE: Looking for a Start-up swapper

Subject: RE: Looking for a Start-up swapper
From: "Stephen Arrants" <steve -at- mbfbioscience -dot- com>
To: "John Posada" <jposada99 -at- gmail -dot- com>, "techwr-l List" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 08:52:39 -0400

Yes, I've heard of them...but I can't remember the name or where to get them (and that definitely shows MY age).

Search they've often had what I needed.

Steve Arrants   steve -at- mbfbioscience -dot- com
MBF Bioscience  (Microbrightfield, Inc.)
+1.802.288.9290 ext: 124

John Posada asks:
> Subject: Looking for a Start-up swapper
> Sometimes I need as much free memory as possible, and some times I
> like having my various TSRs (does that show my age?) loaded.
> I'm looking for something that sits in memory that let's me add and
> remove the various "things" that load in memory on startup, some times
> I may want a minimum number of memory resident programs, such as
> Weather Channel, and sometimes I want it to start up with them..
> Anyone know of that kind of beast?

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Looking for a Start-up swapper: From: John Posada

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