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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Listowner <admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com>
archive -at- web -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 02:05:08 -0600 (MDT)
Posted on
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
TECHWR-L Premium Ads
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In this posting, look for the following ...
WritersUA Update MARCH 2009
SOFTWARE: Adobe's Set of Technical Communication Products
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
Technical Communicators and Content Authors will Enjoy Many
New Convenient Features in 2009 v2 Release
Pittsburgh, PA March 5, 2009 - The award-winning industry
leader in the Help authoring tool market, Doc-To-Help, is
making life easier for technical communicators and content
authors with the release of Doc-To-Help 2009 v2. Improved
document import/management, editor enhancements, and
streamlined project management make Doc-To-Help easy to use
and learn.
Doc-To-Help 2009 enables technical communicators, policy
writers, and other content creators to author in
Doc-To-Help's XML-based editor, Microsoft Word, or HTML,
(with new or existing documents) and publish to the Web,
Help systems, or printed manuals with a single click. Unlike
other companies who force users to buy multiple tools to get
your job done, Doc-To-Help bundles all its features into one
self-contained product. The benefits are a diminished
learning curve plus time and cost savings.
Doc-To-Help continues to evolve aggressively, mostly in
response to user demands, which is why it is the preferred
tool, said Dan Beall, Doc-To-Help product manager. The
initial release of Doc-To-Help 2009 added a ribbon interface
and an XML-based editor, which were very significant
technology upgrades. Our focus is to continue to deliver the
industrys most trusted product with the powerful
functionality users demand.
New User Guidance
The project creation process is now automated with the
Getting Started Wizard. Whether a user wants to start a
project from scratch or import existing documents, this
wizard walks through the process, step-by-step.
Document Import and Management
Today's release of Doc-To-Help 2009 v2 offers users the
option of importing multiple documents at once, rather than
importing them one at a time. Additionally, Doc-To-Help will
automatically add the documents to the correct project
folder. Doc-To-Help can also convert multiple documents to
XHTML with a single click.
Editor Enhancements
The built-in editor, introduced in Doc-To-Help 2009, is
designed to give authors an experience that allows them to
focus on doing what they do best: write the content they
need to produce.
Doc-To-Help 2009 v2 will now check your spelling as you type
in 21 different languages. When creating hyperlinks, you can
choose the appropriate target window. A Word-like style
gallery makes style selection and editing simple and
organizes style sheets logically.
Streamlined Project Management
The demand to make content and project management more
efficient was the driving force behind Doc-To-Help 2009 v2
new project wizard, enhanced file management, and updated
ribbons. The new project wizard allows the user to automate
the project creation process, while the enhanced file
management organizes project files in a convenient My
Doc-To-Help Projects folder. The ribbon enhancements make
it easier to choose and build outputs.
Pricing and Availability
ComponentOne offers the full version of Doc-To-Help for
$900.00 per user. Those who purchase Platinum support will
receive free updates, product enhancements, and new products
during its term. You may purchase ComponentOne Doc-To-Help
online at www.doctohelp.com or by telephone (800.858.2739 or
About Doc-To-Help
201 S. Highland Ave. Third Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
WritersUA Update MARCH 2009
Tools Survey Results
Seattle Conference Approaches
First Look Reviews of RoboHelp 8 and Captivate 4
Interviews with Scott McCloud and Mary Jo Foley
Article: No Fuss Accessibility
Australasian and European Conferences Announced
News from Doc-to-Help, MadCap, CherryLeaf, and WebWorks
This Month:
Results Available: Tools Survey
Check out the results of the WritersUA Tools Survey. The survey
is designed to provide our community with a guide to the relative
popularity and satisfaction of a number of tools.
Article: RoboHelp
Matthew Ellison offers a first look at the latest release of
RoboHelp, version 8. The article describes the new features
and examines how well they fulfill their goals and improve
Help authoring.
Seattle Conference in Just Four Weeks
Register Online
Exhibitors include: MadCap, Volt, Just Systems, ITR,
HelpServer, Doc-to-Help, Adobe, WindJack Solutions,
Author-it, LavaCon, Aquent, tedopress, eLearning Zoom,
Microsoft Visio, Lingo Systems, Bluestream, and FlyPaper
Sponsors include: HAT-Matrix.com, WebWorks, EC Software,
OASIS, Axure, Writing Assistance, ExtremeEase, and Scriptorium.
70 sessions, 50 speakers, 7 interest areas
Peer Showcase: fifteen innovative projects on display
LaunchPad and Pro Booster certificate programs
Article: What's New in Captivate 4?
Following the very successful and highly-regarded Captivate 3,
Captivate 4 is yet another strong release from Adobe. In this
review, Scott DeLoach describes the new features of Captivate 4.
Interviews with Scott McCloud and Mary Jo Foley
Joe Welinske, President of WritersUA, interviewed
journalist/blogger Mary Jo Foley about her work covering
Microsoft and the IT industry.
Joe also interviewed author and illustrator Scott McCloud
about his work with the Google Chrome Comic and visual communication.
Mary Jo and Scott will be a keynote speakers at the 2009
Conference for Software User Assistance.
Article - No Fuss Accessibility
This article, by Anthony DaSilva, describes how you can quickly
and easily create documents with enhanced accessibility options
for vision-impaired users using Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat.
Australasian and European Conferences Announced
The Australasian Online Documentation and Content Conference
takes place 20th-22nd May in Melbourne, Australia.
The UA Europe Conference takes place 17th-18th September in
Cardiff, Wales.
Vendor News
Doc-To-Help Day Registration is Open, MadCap Mimic 3 and Capture 4,
MadCap Lingo 2, WebWorks Announces New Renewable License Program,
CherryLeaf Benchmarking Survey.
About WritersUA
WritersUA specializes in providing quality training and publications
for the community of user assistance professionals. The world of user
assistance comprises a variety of techniques and technologies to make
working with software a better experience. This includes online Help,
wizards, web sites, printed documentation, and improvements to the
application user interface. Our customers represent a diverse group
of technical writers, software developers, contractors, and consultant
SOFTWARE: Adobe's Set of Technical Communication Products
Adobe® Technical Communication Suite 1.3 software a
complete solution for authoring, managing, and publishing
interactive instructional information from technical
documents and books to online help systems, knowledgebases,
interactive training, and eLearning content in multiple
formats and languages. Now with new Adobe Acrobat® 9
Pro Extended.
With the Technical Communication Suite, you can enjoy
integration and enhancements you wont get if you purchase
the individual applications separately. Link FrameMaker
source files to RoboHelp projects, and easily update RoboHelp
topics when linked source files have been modified. Also take
advantage of improved integration with Adobe Captivate and
RoboScreen Capture in FrameMaker.
Adobe FrameMaker 8 (Enhanced suite version) is an essential
upgrade for users who want to author and publish technical
documentation in multiple languages. Author content for
global audiences with new Unicode support. Use a prebuilt
DITA application to author, publish, and distribute
topic-oriented information in XML And incorporate 3D models,
animations, and Adobe Captivate simulations into online
Adobe RoboHelp 7 (Enhanced suite version) is packed with
new features to help you to build, manage, and publish
content for help systems and standalone knowledgebases.
>From Unicode support and a new customizable user interface
to enhanced Adobe Captivate and FrameMaker support, you
can quickly single source help content in a range of popular
output formats for a variety of audiences or languages.
Adobe Captivate 3 helps you create engaging simulations,
scenario-based training, and quizzes without programming
knowledge or multimedia skills. Save time and generate
robust software simulations with multiple learning modes
in a single recording session. And simplify the localization
process with support for XML file import and export.
Acrobat 9 Pro Extended enables CAD, CAM, and CAE
application users to convert virtually any CAD file to a highly
compressed, more secure Adobe PDF file for CAD data
interoperability, collaboration, and visualization. Use the
new Adobe 3D Reviewer to collaborate more effectively on
3D designs with support for more formats. Export your work
to a variety of neutral formats, 2D vector/raster files, and
publish to PDF.
Learn more at:
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 5000 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 5100+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact us
(admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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