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Subject:Re: Am I asking for the impossible (2D>3D)? From:Gregory P Sweet <gps03 -at- health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us> To:Erika Yanovich <ERIKA_y -at- rad -dot- com> Date:Mon, 23 Mar 2009 13:27:38 -0400
Again, I've not even tried so I don't know for sure that it can do what you
are looking for.
techwr-l-bounces+gps03=health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com wrote on
03/23/2009 01:21:13 PM:
> Erika,
> I haven't had time to look into them myself yet but Photoshop CS4
> has some 3d tools built in.
> Or learn to draw! Inkscape and Google SketchUP both have tools to draw 3d
> shapes and are free.
> Cheers!
> -Greg
> techwr-l-bounces+gps03=health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com wrote on
> 03/23/2009 10:12:29 AM:
> > Hello Whirlers,
> > Do you know of any piece of SW that can turn a 2D drawing (with 3D
> > icons) into something like http://www.keymile.
> > com/media/internet/applications/efm/Pic_EFM.jpg?
> > Tech writers can't necessarily draw these fancier 3Ds, but if such a
> > software exists they could help themselves rather than turning to a
> > graphic artist.
> > TIA
> > Erika
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