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Absolutely! I have to make a point of telling my son and my well-
meaning stay-at-home Mom friends that I am 'at work' and have
deadlines. My own Mother is the worst offender. She thinks that I am
living the 50's lifestyle and my work is some sort of hobby.
Unfortunately, I have also had to silence the neighbour's swearing
teen type and his rock music - I called bylaw. I don't have a dog but
occasionally my neighbour's dog does bark and I have to shut the
window. Hey, I think of him as my security alarm!
There is a temptation to work outside on the patio, but I only do that
when calls are not likely to happen. Many times I have given in to
temptation. This is only human and the beauty of working at home is
having the freedom to make up for the time later. Think of all of the
times at 'the office' when coffee or water cooler conversations have
dragged on, telephone conversations with needy family members, etc. I
think it all comes out in the wash.
My biggest challenge is email. I spend way too long browsing when I
should be deleting. Trouble is, as a virtual business, I live and die
by email.
On 23-Apr-09, at 5:35 PM, Chris Morton wrote:
>> If you have a significant other, make absolutely certain that he/she
>> understands when you have "gone to the office" and cannot be
>> disturbed with
>> non-emergency affairs. The same applies to kidlings. And it's
>> really rude,
>> not to mention unprofesssional, to have to listen to your dog
>> barking while
>> I'm conversing with you on the phone.
> I don't know how easily you get distracted. For me, I can find all
> SORTS of
> things with which to entertain myself while seated in front of my
> computer.
> You may find you have to take drastic measures to keep yourself from
> indiscriminately surfing the web, spending hours on e-mail (read: the
> Techwr-l list), hunting for/downloading music/videos, etc.
> Then there's that awesome book you're reading; why NOT get another
> cuppa and
> read another chapter? Oh, and the weather's perfect? Why not take
> the laptop
> out on the patio and...
> In short, working at home requires the absolute utmost in self-
> discipline,
> IMHO. Not that none of us do any of these things at our employer's
> place of
> business.........
>> Chris
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