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Re: Have We Entered a Post-Literate Technological Age?
Subject:Re: Have We Entered a Post-Literate Technological Age? From:Laura Lemay <lemay -at- lauralemay -dot- com> To:peter -at- knowhowpro -dot- com Date:Fri, 21 Aug 2009 15:28:41 -0700
The "Shop Class" book is fascinating in concept and not very well
written at all (IMHO). You can get 95% of the meat of the book from
this well edited NYT excerpt:
> A CRITIC AT LARGE about Matthew B. Crawford’s “Shop Class as
> Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work.” In 1974, Robert Pirsig
> published “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into
> Values,” which featured anecdotes and reveries, interrupted by dense
> seminars on technophobia and the malignance of…
> by Kelefa Sanneh
> This article points out that Crawford has a PhD and has chosen to be
> the proprietor of a motorcycle repair shop.
> The issue of "how much about how much should a member of society
> know?" has been discussed before. Many times. In varying degrees of
> depth, plainly, and esoterically. The menu is generous.
> As far as being able to expertly employ intuition, ingenuity,
> instinct, science, manual skills, and a Swiss Army knife, to the
> problems of survival, remember that MacGyver survived everything
> except cancellation of the series.
> Regards,
> Peter
> __________________
> Peter Gold
> KnowHow ProServices
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