Re: I'm now blogging about Agile & TW

Subject: Re: I'm now blogging about Agile & TW
From: Robert Lauriston <robert -at- lauriston -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L Writing <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 12:26:54 -0800

Don't take my joke the wrong way. Agile can definitely work, and there
are practical and intelligent ways to integrate documentation into the

But there are also lots of programming teams who adopt Agile halfway
and/or halfheartedly, and in those cases, it really can be even more
disorganized than whatever ad hoc process it replaced.

There are also bad ways to integrate documentation into the process,
so that writers waste a lot of time in irrelevant meetings and dealing
with impossible deadlines.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Ed <hamonwry12 -at- hotmail -dot- com> wrote:
> I actually agree with Robert on this one. From the bit I read on Wikipedia,
> it sounds like a buzzword-filled methodology forced on a group of people
> that doesn't solve most people's problems.
> Kind of like DITA.
> How does anything get done in four weeks when there's "extensive planning"?
> And how extensive can planning be when it doesn't look long-term? Isn't that
> a bit dangerous?

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Re: I'm now blogging about Agile & TW: From: Robert Lauriston
Re: I'm now blogging about Agile & TW: From: Marguerite Krupp
RE: I'm now blogging about Agile & TW: From: Ed

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