RE: [OT]: rabbit-trapping instructions

Subject: RE: [OT]: rabbit-trapping instructions
From: "McLauchlan, Kevin" <Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com>
To: "kathleen -at- writefortheuser -dot- com" <kathleen -at- writefortheuser -dot- com>, Heather Anderson <Heather -dot- Anderson -at- cubrc -dot- org>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010 12:11:42 -0400

kathleen -at- writefortheuser -dot- com suggested:

> we used alfalfa. you can get pellets too.
> try putting a food dish in the trap with water, too, and see
> if you can
> train him to go in there. Regular hay might make a nice nest too.

The yard includes a koi pond. I suspect that
this Easter Bunny isn't lacking for water. :-)

Alfalfa might be worth a try.

Or some of the repellents that have turned up in my Googling.

I'm planning to spread a lot of blood and bone meal
anyway, as fertilizer, so perhaps if I do it in stages,
I can 'herd' the bunny toward the gate.

- K

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