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Subject:Re: A Desk That Allows You to Stand or Sit From:David Castro <thejavaguy -at- gmail -dot- com> To:Tony Chung <tonyc -at- tonychung -dot- ca> Date:Sat, 24 Apr 2010 21:16:35 -0400
I have an Anthro desk ( at home that I really like,
and would absolutely love to have one of their desks that you can raise or
lower, if I was a rich man. I also looked into some sit/stand chairs a while
back, but they can be pricey, too!
I opted instead to create a walkstation by adding a second monitor to my
computer, putting it on a tall shelf on the wall, and moving my treadmill up
to it. A plank of wood across the handles of the treadmill to hold the
keyboard and mouse, and I now burn 300 calories an hour while working! I've
had it set up for probably over a year, now, and love it.
Unfortunately, liability concerns have prevented my workplace from adopting
the idea for my 9-5.
-David Castro
thejavaguy -at- gmail -dot- com
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