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RE: If you had 15 minutes...
I'd probably do something similar and talk about the absolute necessity of
clearly written, well laid out documents.
A metaphor I've used in front of general audiences to show what technical
writing achieves is that of someone speaking with a hand over their mouth.
Technical writers/communicators don't change what the speaker is saying -
they just remove the hand so that listener doesn't have to work so hard to
hear what's being said.
Kieran Sullivan
Telecommunications Software & Systems Group, (www.tssg.org
<http://www.tssg.org/ > )
Waterford Institute of Technology, (www.wit.ie <http://www.wit.ie/ > )
Tel: +353 51 302915
E-Mail: ksullivan -at- tssg -dot- org
Blog: http://pureprose.wordpress.com/
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From: techwr-l-bounces+ksullivan=tssg -dot- org -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
[mailto:techwr-l-bounces+ksullivan=tssg -dot- org -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf Of
Suzette Leeming
Sent: 27 April 2010 12:15
To: Viv Crawford
Cc: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Re: If you had 15 minutes...
If it were me, I would present on the value of technical communications in a
company. In my company, there isn't much respect for what I do, and I accept
that that's my fault - I haven't sold myself and my skills enough. They like
the end result, but have no appreciation for what it took to get there.
Suzette Leeming
On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 6:32 AM, Viv Crawford
<viv_crawford -at- hotmail -dot- com>wrote:
> to present something to your entire company, what would you present?
> Every morning, one of us presents a 'something'. Often developers do show
> and tells of whatever they've developed recently, or tools or technologies
> they are investigating or implementing. Managers and account managers will
> update us on how various opportunities are progressing. The admin people
> will periodically update us on the procedures we should be following.
> Normally, when I present, because I'm fairly new in post, I'm able to
> preset a new thing. First time, I showed the tool I was intending to buy.
> Next time round I showed some prototype output I'd made with said tool.
> next time I used this slot to get developer buy-in and feedback on how I
> intending to refer to various UI elements (hemidemisemisubtabs etc...) in
> the forthcoming manual.
> I'm due to present again next week and am wondering, if you could talk to
> your entire company for 15 to 20 minutes about anything at all, what would
> you tell 'em?
> Would love to hear,
> Thanks!
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If you had 15 minutes... : From: Viv Crawford
Re: If you had 15 minutes... : From: Suzette Leeming
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