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Subject:Re: A different term for "Floor Date" From:Lauren <lauren -at- writeco -dot- net> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Fri, 30 Apr 2010 23:48:51 -0700
Alright. My private reply of "effective date" will not work. Why not
"brake date"? "Brake" is both vague and concrete enough that you can
give it whatever meaning you want and have it resonate with users,
hopefully, without conflicting with other concepts or terms. Plus, it
is one of the terms you used to described the action of the date.
"Maximum Backdate," sounds like "full back" date to me, or "fullback"
date, to only confuse the app with football. I prefer to avoid long
names with more than a couple of syllables, so I would be inclined to
call, "maximum backdate," "max date." Then "first date" comes to mind
and that just goes back to confusing.
Pardon me if I seem a bit distracted and not really helpful right now.
I forgot to stop for gas earlier, so my Jeep died on the freeway. AAA
assured me that it would only be a 15 minute wait. The dispatchers
could not understand that I said I was "on the freeway at a median
between the freeway and an on-ramp." I even told them the business I
was near. I don't know where they sent the tow-truck driver, but I was
there for an hour an half watching the only DVD I had loaded in my
radio, which was Carrot Top Rocks Las Vegas. I really enjoy Carrot Top,
but I did not enjoy sitting on the freeway for over an hour. I thought
it was best to not serve myself the beer, chips, and guacamole I had,
but those really would have helped my wait. My Friday plans were not
great, but they were better than what I wound up with. Although, it was
sort of like being at a drive-in movie, but a drive-in where everyone,
except me, is on crack since cars were whizzing passed me at 85 miles
per hour.
On 4/30/2010 1:16 PM, Deborah Hemstreet wrote:
> *Hi All,
> Apparently, "Effective Date" is not going to work - it already appears
> in the SW elsewhere. They also don't like "effective". I have been
> advised: "I'm looking for a term that expresses a limit, brake,
> governer, throttle concept"
> I'm thinking of suggesting: Maximum Backdate (meaning the furthest
> back the date can go for data to be accepted).
> What do you think?
> Deborah
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