Re: Can anyone recommend a book?

Subject: Re: Can anyone recommend a book?
From: Janice Gelb <janice -dot- gelb -at- oracle -dot- com>
To: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:15:04 +1000

On Jun 9, 2010 6:48AM, Spectrum Writing wrote:
> I know that you aren't interested in a proprietary entity, but Sun's Read Me
> First, A Style Guide to the Computer Industry, is to a large part,
> vendor/platform/OS agnostic. It provides really solid information about
> writing in the computer industry based on all the commonalities among the
> different players out there. I have found it to be very helpful when I
> needed an answer that wasn't from "the world according to Microsoft."

Thanks for noticing that RMF is vendor-neutral!
I'm always afraid when people refer to it as
"the Sun style guide" that they are under the
impression that it's just the Sun internal style
guide published externally, although we went
to great pains to make it neutral, add more
industry-relevant content, and include examples
on all platforms.


Janice Gelb | The only connection Oracle has with
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Can anyone recommend a book?: From: Sarah Stegall
RE: Can anyone recommend a book?: From: Spectrum Writing

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