TechWhirl (TECHWR-L) is a resource for technical writing and technical communications professionals of all experience levels and in all industries to share their experiences and acquire information.
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Re: New Poll: Stability of your current tech pubs organization?
Subject:Re: New Poll: Stability of your current tech pubs organization? From:Jay Maechtlen <techwriter -at- covad -dot- net> To:Deborah Ray <debray -at- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Thu, 30 Sep 2010 22:34:19 -0700
Temp employee techwriter, finishing two month gig.
They aren't hiring any writers at the moment - just need some production
and support documentation done, and brought me in to do it.
At least, there seem to be momentary flurries of opportunity in the job
But my previous gig was a three-week gig, and my next is a two week gig.
On 9/27/2010 2:28 PM, Deborah Ray wrote:
> Hey, Gang!
> Check out the new poll question on the TECHWR-L Web site:
> How would you describe the stability of your current technical publications
> team or organization?
> * Growing: Hiring new team members
> * Stable: Not hiring, but stable, consistent team
> * Holding our own: Have had departures, but hiring replacements
> * Shrinking: Have had departures, and not hiring replacements
> * Unstable: Departures (or multiple new hires) hindering progress
> * Unstable: Near future of our team within the company is uncertain
> * Unstable: Near future of our team is not expected to be positive
> Cast your vote--and see poll results--on the TECHWR-L Web site:
> For discussion: Is the stability of your tech pubs team/organization
> better or worse than it was 12 months ago?
> Have a great week, everyone!
> Deborah
> TECHWR-L: Empowering Technical Writers Since 1993
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Jay Maechtlen
626 444-5112 office
626 840-8875 cell
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