Re: Webworks or Robohelp

Subject: Re: Webworks or Robohelp
From: Bill Swallow <techcommdood -at- gmail -dot- com>
To: "Marchand, Beatrice" <beatrice -dot- marchand -at- misys -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 16:23:43 -0500

Both should have full-featured demos.

So what kind of a workflow are you looking for, specifically? That
will best direct your choice. What do you need to do, and how do you
need to do it? RoboHelp and ePublisher both create Help from
Framemaker content, but both do so in very different manners for very
different reasons. So, how do you envision your ideal workflow?

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Marchand, Beatrice
<beatrice -dot- marchand -at- misys -dot- com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm new to this list. I'm a technical writer based in Paris. My question
> is the following: we're developing a software intended for banks mostly.
> All guides are written with FrameMaker 9 and delivered only in PDF in
> the Help menu of our application for now. We'd like to create an on-line
> help that would be much more suitable for our customers but I don't know
> which tool I should use and the demo versions I used are too light to
> get a clear idea of what can be done or not.
> Does anyone know if there's something like a comparison between Robohelp
> and Webworks existing somewhere?
> Or any other advice would be much appreciated.

Bill Swallow

Twitter: @techcommdood

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