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Re: PowerPoint (2007) - using slide numbers in hyperlinks?
Subject:Re: PowerPoint (2007) - using slide numbers in hyperlinks? From:"John J. McDermott, CPLP" <jjm -at- jkintl -dot- com> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:36:48 -0700
I think you can do what you want.
1) If I use the title in the link, then change the title of the target
slide, the link is updated appropriately.
2) a I created a slide with its number in its title by using
Insert->Slide Number
b I created a link on slide 2 to that slide (the title was Slide
4). The link worked.
c I inserted a slide before Slide 4. The title of Slide 4 changed
to Slide 5. So did the link I created on Slide 2. The link worked.
I am not sure what the issue is. I also manually rearranged the slides
and the links were appropriately updated.
Am I missing something?
On 12/28/2010 12:00 AM,:
> So creating hyperlinks to slides is easy, but the hyperlink text is just the slide title. You can manually override it and make the hyperlink say, for example, "Slide 1", but then if you rearrange the slides, the hyperlink is invalid. Is there anyway to put the slide number into the hyperlink in an intelligent way so that it gets properly updated when things move?
> I doubt it -- after all there doesn't seem to be a way to even get the slide titles to update, but I thought I'd ask.
> -Monique
John J. McDermott, CPLP
Learning and Performance Consultant
jjm at
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John J. McDermott, CPLP
Learning and Performance Consultant
jjm at
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