TECHWR-L Daily Announcements
Posted on Sunday, February 13, 2011"Give me a man or woman who has read a thousand books and you give me an interesting companion.
--Anne Rice
Recent Blog Postings:
- Delivering RH 8.0 projects
- Validating document procedures
- Protect document formatting in Microsoft Word
- Use graphics sparingly
Recent Polls:
- In 2011, I expect to:
- As a technical writer, do you have a preference for using open source tools and utilities?
- As a technical writer seeking employment, how often do you send post-interview thank you letters to potential employers?
Upcoming Events:
- FrameMaker-to-PDF Advanced Techniques: (A) Built-in FM-to-PDF features
- Testing PDFs
- Building a PDF Front-End Interface to Document Collections
- Rich Media in PDFs with FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers+Multimedia Assistant
- Minimalism: Creating Information People Really Need
- Visually-Oriented Documentation
- FrameMaker-to-PDF Advanced Techniques: (B) Enhanced interactivity and automation
- WritersUA Conference for Sofware User Assistance
Recent Stories:
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