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Subject:Re: Disagreeing with house styles From:Tony Chung <tonyc -at- tonychung -dot- ca> To:Sion Lane <slane -at- ubq -dot- thrupoint -dot- net> Date:Thu, 5 Jan 2012 08:07:14 -0800
There are all sorts of contentious style issues between Apple and
Microsoft. Not long ago we discussed Windows Logon and Logoff vs Mac
(and the rest of the known universe) Login and Logout, and their
two-word command form.
However website, voicemail, and to some extent email (or e anything)
have been updated to single words in the AP style book, and partially
addressed in Chicago--the comments on the Q&A section prefers website
and voice mail.
You could dig yourself into a hole by concerning yourself with stuff
only word geeks would notice. I worked for two years in a company that
couldn't decide between Canadian and US spelling, so they used both
inconsistently. If I harped the benefits of a single spelling style
over producing the manuals, I wouldn't have lasted the two years.
On 2012-01-05, at 7:47 AM, Sion Lane <slane -at- ubq -dot- thrupoint -dot- net> wrote:
> Excellent link Phil, thanks.
> There's a new edition of the Microsoft Manual of Style due at the end of
> January, would be interesting to see if this has changed.
> Common usage is definitely the concatenated version.
> On 5 January 2012 15:40, Phil Snow Leopard <philstokes03 -at- googlemail -dot- com>wrote:
>> Oh, 'voicemail' too is one word for Apple documenters.
>> Incidentally, for anyone interested, the 200+ page Apple style guide is
>> available free online:
>> Phil
>> On 5 Jan 2012, at 22:33, Phil Snow Leopard wrote:
>>> But not so the Apple style guide, which treats 'website' as one word.
>>> Always been a bit forward thinking though, those Apple types... ;-)
>>> On 5 Jan 2012, at 22:22, Julie Stickler wrote:
>>>> And FYI, your house style guide agrees with the Microsoft Manual of
>>>> Style, which is one of the major Style Guides available in our
>>>> industry.
>>>> --
>>>> Julie Stickler
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> --
> Sion Lane
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