RE: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?)

Subject: RE: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?)
From: "Dan Goldstein" <DGoldstein -at- riveraintech -dot- com>
To: <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 13:31:35 -0500

Actually, MS apps can do that, too:

"If you want a record of changes made to a document, you can save multiple versions of a document within the same document. You also save disk space because Microsoft Word saves only the differences between versions, not an entire copy of each version. After you've saved several versions of the document, you can go back and review, open, print, and delete earlier versions."

But again, this is optional and configurable.

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Snow Leopard
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 12:47 PM
To: Dan Goldstein
Cc: techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?)

If you're talking about the timed autosave such as in MS Word that's not quite the same thing as Apple's Autosave feature.

In MS Word, autosave saves a new copy of the document after a specified interval (if its enabled).

Autosave in Lion doesn't save a new copy of the document รข it records the changes rather than makes a new copy of the doc. This is very different. It's advantageous in that it saves a lot of space, but it's also very difficult to delete those earlier revisions.

(As I understand it, you can delete the backups of a MS doc if you want while keeping the original. You can't delete the changes in Apple's Autosave except by deleting the document itself...well, that's not entirely true, you can but it's a total hack and is a bit arcane for the average user).

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Is there a term for this?: From: John J. McDermott, CPLP
Re: Is there a term for this?: From: Gene Kim-Eng
Re: Is there a term for this?: From: Tony Chung
Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Phil Snow Leopard
Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Phil Snow Leopard
Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Peter Neilson
Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Phil Snow Leopard
RE: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Dan Goldstein
Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Phil Snow Leopard
RE: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Dan Goldstein
Re: Stupid users (was Re: Is there a term for this?): From: Phil Snow Leopard

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