RE: Kindle? Other Hardware? How to Choose

Subject: RE: Kindle? Other Hardware? How to Choose
From: "Porrello, Leonard" <lporrello -at- illumina -dot- com>
To: Gregory P Sweet <gps03 -at- health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us>, Nancy Allison <maker -at- verizon -dot- net>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:55:02 +0000

I have also found eye strain to be an issue when reading for more than 20 minutes on even the best of backlit displays (even when at a minimally bright setting and set to sepia). By "best of backlit displays," I have the iTouch 4G, with Apple's "Retina" display, in mind.

I chose a Kindle Touch because it supports multiple dictionaries. I use the standard bundled dictionary when reading texts in English. When I am reading books in Italian, the Italian dictionary that I purchased (<$10) also works automatically. It's beautiful. I just touch a word and up pops the definition--in English OR Italian depending on the language of the book I am reading. The Kindle figures out which dictionary is needed based on the language in which the text is written (or perhaps based on the dictionary in which it finds the word). The Nook does not have this functionality. You can add dictionaries to the Nook, but they are not integrated into the reader such that they function as the default dictionary. This, by the way, also works with the Kindle app on Android. (I haven't tested it on my iTouch.)

Here's a pretty good comparison of the Nook and Kindle Touch:

-----Original Message-----
From: techwr-l-bounces+lporrello=illumina -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com [mailto:techwr-l-bounces+lporrello=illumina -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf Of Gregory P Sweet
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 12:37 PM
To: Nancy Allison
Cc: techwr-l-bounces+gps03=health -dot- state -dot- ny -dot- us -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com; techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Re: Kindle? Other Hardware? How to Choose

I love my E Ink display Kindle (3rd generation with keyboard). I don't particularly enjoy reading off of backlit display as it wears my eyes out pretty fast. Also start adding backlights, gorilla glass, heavyweight processors and you add weight and heat to the device. For me, no matter what kind of tablet I may or may not ever own, I will always keep an E Ink kindle just for reading.

I think the best advice though is the same advice I'd give to anyone who ever asked me what kind of camera they should buy back when I made a living as a photographer รข the answer is always "The one you will use."

Decide your budget then head out to the store and handle a few of these things. Read off the screen for more than 5 minutes. See which one is the right size, weight, and shape for your hands. Which is going to be most comfortable for you to hold for long periods of time and easiest on your eyes. Then buy that device. Apps and converters make which device you go for a moot point. But if you spend your cash on something that's just not quite right, the slightest bit uncomfortable, or just seems to fragile to cart around, it's going to end up on that shelf next to that fancy 35mm SLR kit that turned out to be too much to drag around with you. ;^)



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Kindle? Other Hardware? How to Choose: From: Nancy Allison
Re: Kindle? Other Hardware? How to Choose: From: Gregory P Sweet

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