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RE: What is happening to us -- was RE: What's wrong with this headline?
Subject:RE: What is happening to us -- was RE: What's wrong with this headline? From:Kat Kuvinka <katkuvinka -at- hotmail -dot- com> To:<techwr -at- genek -dot- com>, <poshedly -at- bellsouth -dot- net> Date:Wed, 13 Jun 2012 17:13:30 -0400
When I first used FM, I was working in a Unix shop where we all had X Windows running on SPARCStations and Indigos, and EVERYBODY used FM. No one had PCs, nobody used Word. I guess that is why I never though FM was so hard to use, but it was a lot simpler then.
Good times...
> Another snide comment that I have never had anyone say to me.
> I did once have an engineer watch me edit a FM document and ask me how hard
> FM was to learn. I told him that it had taken me about four months to
> attain my intermediate level of AutoCAD proficiency (which he had also seen
> me use) but that I'd been using FM for more than 10 years and it still
> frustrated the hell out of me every time I fired it up.
> Why would you ever want to make your job look easy? I prefer to make my
> job appear incredibly difficult for anyone but me.
> Gene Kim-Eng
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Ken Poshedly <poshedly -at- bellsouth -dot- net>wrote:
> > However, walk have an average (non-tekkie) person walk past any of our work
> > station while we're running FrameMaker or anything else EXCEPT Word while
> > we're
> > manipulating fonts, setting line spacing, balancing columns, determining
> > how to
> > best and most concisely and accurately word the next step in a seirs of 25
> > or so
> > steps and we're almost bound to hear "Oh, I can do that!"
> >
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