RE: What would you call this process, and role?

Subject: RE: What would you call this process, and role?
From: Mike McCallister <mike -dot- mccallister -at- pkware -dot- com>
To: "Steve Janoff (non-Celgene)" <sjanoff -at- celgene -dot- com>, "techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 15:56:34 +0000


Very interesting thread; thanks for starting it.

You should probably check out this new hangout for infographic "designers, publishers and enthusiasts":

I haven't been able to spend a lot of time here (partly in fear of spending LOTS of time here), but it sure looks interesting. Pinterest is also a hotbed of infographic storage.

Mike M

Mike McCallister
Senior Document Architect

648 N. Plankinton Avenue
Suite 220
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Direct: 414-289-9788 x1136

SecureZIP Reader is now available on AppleĀ® iTunesĀ® and Google Play! 

-----Original Message-----

Here's an example of something that came across the news today, although it looks like it's been in development for quite a while. I wouldn't necessarily want to sit and develop something like this -- this is more of a programming challenge -- and you can question its usefulness, but it's definitely intriguing, and fun to play around with (if you have a little time -- you can see it's a real time-waster):

Here's the story where I found it:

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