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Subject:Re: opening unzipped HTML file on iPad ? From:Richard L Hamilton <dick -at- rlhamilton -dot- net> To:"Monique Semp" <monique -dot- semp -at- earthlink -dot- net> Date:Mon, 6 Aug 2012 19:14:57 -0700
Sorry, I missed that difference. It is pretty strange that you can't do that on the iPad.
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On Aug 6, 2012, at 1:42 PM, Monique Semp wrote:
>> In the browser, to the left of the box where you type in URLs, there is an icon that is a box with an arrow coming out of it. If you click that icon, it will give several choices, including "Add to Home Screen." That's the one you want.
> Ah, but the problem is, I'm not seeing how to load the file into the browser in the first place.
> When I view it within iZip, it's shown within iZip's display. And what I want it to do is to view it in the Safari Browser.
> I think the problem may be that iZip is not integrated w/Safari in the same way that it's integrated with a PDF viewer app that I have already (which is great for PDFs but not HTMLs of course).
> So until I see the page in the browser, I can't "Add to Home Screen"...
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