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RE: living with the vernacular (was RE: Beliefs and passions- new job requirements
Subject:RE: living with the vernacular (was RE: Beliefs and passions- new job requirements From:"Porrello, Leonard" <lporrello -at- illumina -dot- com> To:"john -dot- x -dot- posada -at- us -dot- hsbc -dot- com" <john -dot- x -dot- posada -at- us -dot- hsbc -dot- com>, "McLauchlan, Kevin" <Kevin -dot- McLauchlan -at- safenet-inc -dot- com> Date:Tue, 6 Nov 2012 23:17:27 +0000
Me two. I could care less if the language is decimated.
-----Original Message-----
From: techwr-l-bounces+lporrello=illumina -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com [mailto:techwr-l-bounces+lporrello=illumina -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com] On Behalf Of john -dot- x -dot- posada -at- us -dot- hsbc -dot- com
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:28 PM
To: McLauchlan, Kevin
Cc: techwr-l-bounces+john -dot- x -dot- posada=us -dot- hsbc -dot- com -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com; Chris Despopoulos; techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Subject: Re: living with the vernacular (was RE: Beliefs and passions- new job requirements
Hi, guys...while I wait for a review so I can get out of here...
I may be a minority, but I really don't see me as the vernacular police.
Honestly, I can't get worked up over issues such as "bold-faced lie" to and "bald-faced lie". Sorry.
Writer Tip: Create 10 different outputs with Doc-To-Help -- including Mobile and EPUB.