Re: Laid Off
Correct. The site says 5 quarters and I was there Jan-Nov and I have a side business (which I haven't touched this year) which disqualifies me as well.
On 11/12/12 4:38 PM, Kat Kuvinka wrote:
Why are you not elegible for unemployment? Have you not been there long enough? You should apply anyway.
Once upon a time I put a lot of effort into applying for unemployment. I found out that I was not eligible, but they never did tell me why. Now I have a farm and unemployment is impossible. Instead of writing to techwr-l I should be outside sheeding the feep. Farming + tech writing comes out to between 170 and 190 hours per week, or so it seems.
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- Re: Laid Off, Chris Morton
- Re: Laid Off, Robert Lauriston
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RE: Laid Off: From: Cardimon, Craig
Re: Laid Off: From: Robin Davidson
RE: Laid Off: From: Kat Kuvinka
Re: Laid Off: From: Robin Davidson
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