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As Robert explains, there are ways to format just about everything in
Confluence... but they're not always evident or easy to figure out. I have
numbered lists with two levels of embedded bulleted lists as well as
embedded a, b, c lists that containing bulleted lists.
Once you figure it out, it's pretty easy to use.
My 2Â,
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Robert Lauriston <robert -at- lauriston -dot- com>
> I spent a LONG time trying to get native PDF output that looks as good as
> Atlassian's. They won't share their secrets.
> If someone has a publicly accessible Confluence instance, I could post my
> macros and workarounds. I've posted most if not all on the confluence_tw
> Yahoo group.
> Nesting a bullet list within a numbered list:
> - press enter at the end of the numbered paragraph after which you want
> the bullet list to appear
> - type something as a placeholder
> - go back to the end of the previous paragraph and press enter again
> - click Indent > Bullet List
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Sharon Metzger <sharon -dot- metzger -at- gmail -dot- com
> >
> wrote:
> > I've been using Confluence since November. We currently deliver PDFs
> only.
> > It was here when I got here, and has had a series of (now moved-on) tech
> > writers working on various versions and various templates.
> >
> > Our software shop uses lots of Atlassian tools (Jira, Stash, HipChat,
> etc),
> > so the fact that all the tools play well together is attractive.
> >
> > Built-in PDF export is challenging. Your CSS savvy will be stretched, and
> > there's still some black magic under the covers. I'm currently working on
> > templates for the Scroll PDF Exporter (eval version), but that seems to
> > have
> > different quirks than the built-in PDF, so the jury's still out.
> >
> > Our engineers and sales/product folks use it extensively for an internal
> > wiki. (design docs, release plans, roadmaps, customer wish lists, general
> > how-tos, and the like). They've gotten much better at posting things
> since
> > I've jumped in as an active curator -- customizing the dashboard,
> archiving
> > obsolete pages, generally making it easier to find what's current, etc.
> >
> > They also like collaborating and commenting on the doc sources. I was
> > nervous about the collaboration (that engineers would go in mucking up
> all
> > my carefully crafted professional-writer work), but for the most part,
> they
> > use the page and inline comment features and don't edit "my" sources.
> They
> > also like the Comala Workflows plugin I've implemented for review cycles
> > and
> > signoffs.
> >
> > So, with caveats, it's working for us. I still miss Frame (which I lived
> in
> > for 15-20 years) and would love to get a chance to learn Flare. There are
> > enough quirks in Confluence's WYSISometimes/SortaWYG (agree on the
> > necessity
> > of the source editor) and PDF production to make me hold back on a
> > wholehearted recommendation. Lists and nested lists are my nemesis. As
> are
> > pagebreaks. But then, there's a whole community of folks out there who
> > love
> > it and think it's the best thing since spell-check. I haven't found the
> > Kool-Aid yet, but it's hard to say where to draw the line between my
> still
> > less than expert knowledge and Confluence's real limitations.
> >
> > FWIW,
> > Sharon
> >
> > PS -- Robert -- I suspect I'd be interested in your pagebreak
> > macros/pointers. And thanks for your comments about Scroll HTML exporter
> vs
> > Confluence web delivery.
> >
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