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Re: Empiric studies on the impact of documentation
Subject:Re: Empiric studies on the impact of documentation From:Dave C <davec2468 -at- gmail -dot- com> To:techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com Date:Thu, 28 Mar 2019 12:41:53 -0700
With Air France flight 447, which crashed in the south Atlantic Ocean, a contributing factor was that the 2 pilotsâ joystick controls are not connected together so a pilot cannot âfeelâ the inputs of the other pilot.
After the autopilot disconnected, the copilot was trying to bring up the nose by severely pulling back on his joystick. This apparently caused the plane to stall and the rest is, sadly, history.
The fly-by-wire part of the story is that the pilot, sitting in his seat, couldnât feel what the copilot was doing until it was too late.
I may have some of the finer details wrong, but thatâs the gift of it.
> On Mar 28, 2019, at 11:27 AM, Janoff, Steven <Steven -dot- Janoff -at- hologic -dot- com> wrote:
> I worked with a guy who was former Air Force and refused to fly on Airbus planes because they were "fly by wire" -- he was passionately against it.
> I never quite understood what that was about but the best I could gather was that everything was controlled electrically and if the system went out, you were SOL. No manual recovery.
> Is that true? I know he pointed out a number of accidents that were caused by this issue.
> Steve
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