Re: Rule needed: expressing temperatures in two units of measurement in text
I don't know if there is a rule but the convention you describe is common and I've seen it in recipes. I have also seen a slash used but that can be disruptive with measurements.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
On 6/17/2019 9:17 AM, Lin Sims wrote:
In most of the companies I've worked at, when providing measurements in
both US and metric units, the style has been to provide the measurements
in one unit with the equivalent being provided in following parenthesis.
So, expressing a length as "1.5 inch (40 mm)", or expressing a range as:
"-4 ÂF to 77 ÂF (-20 ÂC to 25 ÂC)".
But is there an actual rule for that? And if so, where? I've been googling,
but so far all I've been able to find is a page on Nat Geo that provides
the above style in an example but provides no actual rule. My Gregg, Sun, and Microsoft Style Guides don't address it at all.
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