Re: Alt text on HTML tables
Alt text is an attribute of images. The purpose is to provide a description of the image for those who cannot see it. Images ("img") are the only elements that support the alt text attribute.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
In the case specified it would probably be best to render the table as an image in which the unimportant parts are grayed out, with the alt text describing the image that shows the table. An actual table (with cell content such as etaoin shrdlu, lorem ipsum or similar nonsense) might appear after the table image.
On 4/28/23 20:43, Robert Lauriston wrote: You could put a small blank image in the table, though if the contents of
the cells aren't useful, is a table really the right way to present this
On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 1:18âPM<dick -at- rlhamilton -dot- net> wrote:
Is there a way to add alt text to a table?
The alt attribute is not allowed on table, and I don't see a good
I know that screen readers can read tables, but in this use case, the
column and row labels are the only information of interest (the contents of
the cells are examples that don't add any value).
I'd like to able to add alt text that a screen reader would provide first,
so the user could choose to skip the table itself. The alt text would
identify the rows and columns and then state that the cell data are samples
and don't need to be read.
Any thoughts on how best to do this?s @
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