
Subject: interdisciplinary
From: "Bill Jameson SPS Pres." <SPS -at- HELIOS -dot- PHY -dot- OHIOU -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 14:57:49 GMT

For an english class project, my group- mostly engineering students, and
me , a physics student- have chosen to investigate and propose an
interdisciplinary senior design course for our engineering college.
The concept is this: senior-level students would be require or allowed as
one of their design electives, to take a course which was taught to all
departments, and included students from all the disciplines of engineering
our college offers. The students would be assigned into groups with students
of other fields, and would be given a problem to solve, which they as a group
work on for the whole quarter. The problems would be decided upon by the
person(s) teaching the course so as to involve many aspects of engineering.

My question to the Net-land:
for professional Engineers : do you think this would be useful training?
for faculty at universities: do you think it is feasiible?
for students: would you take it?

for everybody: do you know of an institution with such a course?

Thanks for any replies. either post here, or mail to
SPS -at- helios -dot- phy -dot- ohiou -dot- edu

-Bill jameson
( it was suggested by someone over there in engineering groups that i post this
here, because there had been some discussion of it )

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