Returned mail: Host unknown (fwd)

Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown (fwd)
From: JEANIE CRAIN <crain -at- ACAD -dot- MWSC -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 09:51:08 -600

Dr. Jeanie C. Crain
Associate Professor of English
Missouri Western State College
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph MO 64507
crain -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 09:46:14 -0500
From: MAILER-DAEMON -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu
To: crain -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu
Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown

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id AA26602; Fri, 23 Apr 1993 09:46:15 -0500
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 09:37:37 -600 (CDT)
From: JEANIE CRAIN <crain -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu>
Subject: Thanks for ideas on literacy
Message-Id: <Pine -dot- 3 -dot- 05a -dot- 9304230937 -dot- A4222-b100000 -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu>
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I just want to thank all of you for the many varied and rich ideas you
have provided me related to computer literacy. I hope I got messages back
to all of you individually.

My original request was brief. Some of you have asked about audience.
The intent at MWSC is to address computer literacy for students, but
teachers probably should also receive attention. The intent, too, is not
to create a special course but to identify already existing courses which
can be designated computer intensive.

Our English 100 students work in a Mac lab composing papers; other
composition students do, also, from time to time. We have a technical
writing major and minor emphasis, all courses computer intensive. Two
courses I designed in English Technical Communication all focus on a
variety of software--Word, Aspects, Storyspace, PageMaker, MacPaint, for
example. We also have a desktop publishing class and an organizational
writing class. For our English 104 classes, I designed essay prompts and
instructions using storyspace for five writing assignments.

MWSC is moving rapidly suddenly--with computers in faculty offices, a DOS
teaching lab, a general use lab, intentions to build a Mac teaching lab,
with several departmental labs in place.

Our computer center and instructional media center are separate and answer
to different levels of administration. We are, for the most part,

Again, thanks for incoming information; if you want to hear back from all
this activity, let me know.

Dr. Jeanie C. Crain
Associate Professor of English
Missouri Western State College
4525 Downs Drive
St. Joseph MO 64507
crain -at- acad -dot- mwsc -dot- edu

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