
Subject: WinHelp
From: Dave Walker <walker -at- RANKIN -dot- ASPENTEC -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 12:41:06 EDT

Has anyone worked with WinHelp?

I'm trying to find out of it's possible to implement a table of contents
in WinHelp, similar to the table of contents OS/2's help system.

In OS/2, a separate TOC window lists help topics available. You can view the
help topic text (in a different window) by clicking on the topic in the TOC.
The TOC also allows subtopics. If a main topic has a subtopic, the main topic
will have a + in front of it. You can display the subtopics by clicking
on the + (The + changes to a - when the topic is expanded to show sublevels;
clicking on the - compresses the branch).

The company I work for recently developed its own hypertext help system for use
in our DOS and Motif based products. We thought it was important that users
have a sense of where they were in the heirarchy of information online, so
we implemented a TOC similar to OS/2. Now that our customers want true
Windows versions of our products, we have to move to Windows Help. We'd like
to have an OS/2-like TOC implementation in WinHelp, but I've never seen it.
Does anyone know if it's possible (without writing new WinHelp source code)?

Thanks in advance for any and all info,
dave walker
Development Engineer for Documentation
Aspen Technology, Inc.
walker -at- aspentec -dot- com

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