Re: If you are not a tech writer...

Subject: Re: If you are not a tech writer...
From: Bob Hays <bobhays -at- SPSS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 4 May 1993 16:25:48 GMT

In article <9305031222 -dot- AA41997 -at- rs5>, Joan Miles <miles -at- ccd -dot- harris -dot- com> writes:
> Peter,

> I am just curious--if you are not a tech writer, what do you do and
> how does being on this list help you?

Back to the original topic, please.... :-)

I read this list because, as a software developer, I have to write
design documents, I have to write manual pages and other
documentation, etc. I am a technical writer occasionally as the needs
demand, but I am not in a technical writing position. I think most
software engineers fit this category.

Also, I have interests in CyberSpace and Hypertext issues which both
deal with technical writing (since most of our news/email
communications are still textual and many are technical).

Have fun! - Bob


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