Re: A question/comment, or "rehearsing" email

Subject: Re: A question/comment, or "rehearsing" email
From: na-bor <NPARRY -at- COLGATEU -dot- BITNET>
Date: Thu, 6 May 1993 19:27:56 -0400


I'm responding personally, rather than to the list regarding your post.

I disagree with your sentiments, and I think it R for the profession in
general to set ourselves up as the third grade schoolmasters of grammar.

Most people I know regard a public correction of their spelling or
grammar as an insult.

The feeling is "Who do you think you are, cor to be
correcting me; who appointed you to the grammar police?

Would you publically correct a writer who is trying
to communicate in English when
English is not his native language? How about a non-college person? How about
a mentally handicapped person?

If you can read it and understand the idea,
do you care if the
grammar is a little off? Or the spelling?

I learned speedwriting a while back, and it taught me that communication does
not depend primarily on spelling or grammar. Our language is overlaid with
redundancy and fill. Meaning is transmitted on a very small percentage of the

Heres n xmpl, frm spedrytg. u c undrstnd i Im sur.

Just thought I'd share my opinion. No offense intended.

npArry -at- colgateu -dot- bitnet

BTW, the garbage you see on the screen is line noise...including the spelling
errors. :-)

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